The Rise of the Lion
Tywin Casterly Rock lies at the highest point of the Westerland, looming over Crag and Lannisport, like a lion's den, watching over its subjects and preys. The Hightower of Oldtown might boast the way their tower lights the farthest seas but the maesters of the Citadel will disagree. Casterly Rock looms the sky higher than any other castle in the Seven Kingdoms and House Lannister rules the west of Westeros since the Age of Heroes. Some might say Lan the Clever swindled his way into power but every sensible man knows the truth behind it. House Casterly was gullible and its Lords were stupid enough to throw away the richest lands in the Seven Kingdoms. If it wasn't for Lan, there might've been a war which would've taken a great many of lives. Lan was a Clever man to see it through and Casterly Rock was a mere gift for his efforts. The Lords of the Rock changed but it is named remained after their previous Lords. It was a reminder to all those weak men who po...